Presentation of INNOBIZ Certification System


Presentation of INNOBIZ Certification System

Apr 29, 2019

Event : Presentation of INNOBIZ Certification System
Date : 24 April 2019
Time : 10.00 AM – 13.00 PM
Venue : Ministry of Cooperative and SMEs RI

Attendees :
1. Mr. R.S. Hanung Harimba Rachman – Expert Staff for Minister in Macro Economy Field , Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs RI
2. Mr. Ir. Meliadi Sembiring, M. Sc – Expert Staff of Service and Promotion Agency, Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs RI (LLP-KUKM)
3. Mr. Daniel Asnur, S. Kom, MM – Secretary of Deputy of Supervision, Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs RI
4. Mr. Kim Jong Kil – Vice Chairman of of INNOBIZ Association
5. Mr. Baek Kyu Min – Director of Global Innovation of INNOBIZ Association
6. Mr. Lee Hwan Hee – Manager of INNOBIZ Association
7. Mr. Lee Jong Soon – Director of Green Business Center (GBC)
8. Mr. Danang Girindawardana – Executive Director of the Employers Association of Indonesia (APINDO)
9. Representatives from the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs RI
10. Representatives from the Institute for Industrial Certification, Ministry of Industry RI
11. Representatives from the Indonesian Agency for Creative Economy (BEKRAF)
12. Representatives from tha National Agency for Standardization (BSN)
13. Representatives from the Employers Association of Indonesia (APINDO)
14. Representatives from Service and Promotion Agency of Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs RI (LLP-KUKM)
15. Representatives from Green Business Center (GBC)