Space Options
Green Business Center (GBC) offers 2 (two types) of office spaces for SME or Startup tenants to rent, namely Business Incubator rooms and Co-working Space. The minimum duration of tenancy in both spaces is 1 (one) year, while the maximum duration is 2 (two) years.
1. Business Incubator Room
There are 9 (nine) Business Incubator rooms at GBC. Each Business Incubator room has the following items :
Inventory Cabinet
Big Cabinet
Small Cabinet
Big Table
Employee Desk
Big Chair
Small Chair
2. Co-working Space
The Co-working Space at GBC can be occupied by up to 24 (twenty-four) persons from SMEs and Startups. However, each SME or Startup can only sign up for a maximum of 2 (two) persons. The facilities in the Co‑working Space are as follows :