Awarding Day of KOREA-ASEAN Business Model Competition 2020 for SDGs


Awarding Day of KOREA-ASEAN Business Model Competition 2020 for SDGs

Dec 29, 2020

Agenda : Awarding Day of KOREA-ASEAN Business Model Competition 2020 for SDGs
by Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs RI
Date : 23rd December 2020
Time : 10.00 AM – 11.00 PM
Place : Auditorium 2nd Floor, Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs RI

Attendees :

[Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs RI]
1. Mr. Teten Masduki – Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs RI
2. Mr. Fiki Satari – Special Staff to the Minister for Creative Economy
3. Mrs. Victoria Simanungkalit – Deputy of Production and Marketing4.
4. Mr. Daniel Asnur – Secretary Deputy of Production and Marketing
5. Mrs. Ina – Staff of International Cooperation Section

[Green Business Center]
1. Mr. Lee Jong Soon – Director
2. Mr. Meliadi – Senior Advisor
3. Ms. Gita Fauziadani – Secretary

[TOP 10 Finalist “KOREA-ASEAN Business Model Competition 2020 for SDGs”]

1. Bell Society
2. Evo & Co
3. Crowde
4. Taz Indonesia
5. Ailesh Indo energy
6. Ardia Multi Prama

Total: 15 persons

Mr. Teten(Minister) conveyed opening remarks